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  1. Jul 11, 2021 · Piper betel atau dikenali secara umum di Malaysia dan Indonesia sebagai daun sireh, diklasifikasikan di bawah keluarga ‘Piperaceae’. Hampir 700 spesis daun sirih yang berlainan boleh ditemui di India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Filipina, Afrika Timur dan negara Asia Tenggara yang lain.

  2. Masyarakat penganut Hindu mengaitkan sirih dengan dewa Vishnu dalam penyatuan bertiga bersama dewa-dewa Brahma (diwakili buah pinang) dan Shiva (diwakili kapur makan) dalam kepercayaan mereka [6] sehinggakan daun sirih sering dipersembahkan dalam upacara keagamaan seperti homa dan puja dewa. [7]

  3. › florafaunaweb › floraNParks | Piper betle

    Piper betle, known as Betel or Sireh is a climbing vine with glossy, heart-shaped leaves. This plant is usually cultivated for its leaves where in some countries, they are chewed with slaked lime and in some others, they are used as traditional herbal medicine or for prayers.

  4. Feb 15, 2023 · Sirih dan Perubatan Tradisional. Sirih telah lama digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional di Asia Tenggara, terutamanya di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand. Sirih dipercayai memiliki pelbagai khasiat kesihatan dan digunakan sebagai ubat secara semula jadi untuk pelbagai penyakit.

  5. Selain itu, sirih turut dijadikan sebagai simbolik ‘putus ubat’ dan diberikan kepada pengamal perubatan tradisional Melayu yang menyembuhkan pesakit tersebut (Temubual dengan pengamal perubatan tradisional di Langkawi, Disember 2014). Penggunaan Sirih dalam perubatan dan magis bagi masyarakat India.

  6. › wiki › BetelBetel - Wikipedia

    L. Betel ( Piper betle) is a species of flowering plant in the pepper family Piperaceae, native to Southeast Asia. It is an evergreen, dioecious [1] vine, with glossy heart-shaped leaves and white catkins. Betel plants are cultivated for their leaves which are most commonly used as flavoring in chewing areca nut.

  7. Oct 1, 2020 · By the 1980s, as betel chewing had fallen out of favour, these vendors, once a ubiquitous sight in Singapore, joined the ranks of a long list of vanishing trades. George W. Porter Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore. (Right) A woman with a chew in her mouth, 1955.

  8. Sirih, sireh, betelvine: Description Piper betle is a perennial dioecious, aromatic creeper with roots at the nodes. The branches of the plant are swollen at the nodes. The plant has alternate, heart-shaped, smooth, shining and long-stalked leaves, with pointed apex.

  9. The significance of Sireh Darah. By Peranakan Museum July 26, 2017. ‘tempat sireh’ (‘sireh set’) is the Baba Malay term for a box with a set of containers used to store the various ingredients used in betel-chewing, a practice common among the Peranakan Chinese.

  10. Nov 23, 2021 · Sireh was a popular form of entertainment originally used by by the Malays as a form of past time. Sireh then became part and parcel of Peranakan culture when intermarriages between the Chinese and Malays increased and it soon became incorporated into the Peranakan way of life.

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