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  1. George Stephenson rođen je u selu Wylamu pokraj Newcastlea 09. lipnja 1781. U djetinjstvu je često trpio oskudice jer je dolazio iz siromašne obitelji. Bio je drugo od šestero djece Roberta i Mabel Stephenson. Otac mu je bio ložač u rudniku, a majka kći bojitelja tkanina.

  2. George Stephenson (* 9. jún 1781, Wylam, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 12. august 1848, Tapton) bol britský inžinier a vynálezca.. Ako inžinier zlepšoval v baniach parné stroje a čerpadlá. Zriadil tam aj niekoľko šikmých plôch pre prepravu uhlia a nakoniec 12 km dlhú banskú dráhu. V roku 1814 predviedol úspešne parný rušeň, ktorý na koľajniciach postavených do svahu ...

  3. 22 Sep 2023 · George Stephenson fue el inventor de la primera locomotora de éxito comercial y es considerado el "padre de los ferrocarriles". Stephenson es considerado el inventor de la primera locomotora de vapor, en el sentido actual, es decir, destinada únicamente a ferrocarriles y no a otro tipo de carreteras. Antes que… - Revista Interesante

  4. George Stephenson was born at Wylam, near Newcastle upon Tyne. Without a formal education, at the age of 18 Stephenson paid for his own lessons in reading, writing and arithmetic and quickly displayed considerable mechanical aptitude. His early career was spent working on different types of industrial machinery particularly at collieries in the ...

  5. 8 Feb 2023 · In 1829, George Stephenson's son, Robert Stephenson (1803-1859), created the Rocket, and he entered it in the Rainhill Trials. The Trials were competitions designed to find the best locomotive for use on the new railway line planned to connect Manchester to Liverpool and which opened in 1830. In 1838, Birmingham was connected to London; in 1841 ...

  6. George Stephenson (n. 9 iunie 1781, Wylam ⁠(d), Northumberland, Anglia, Regatul Unit – d. 12 august 1848, Tapton House ⁠(d), Anglia, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei) a fost un inginer englez care a construit prima cale ferată publică ce utiliza locomotive cu abur.. A fost considerat părintele căilor ferate.Ecartamentul liniei sale de 1.435 mm (4 picioare și 8 țoli și ...

  7. George Stephenson. George Stephenson (9. kesäkuuta 1781 Wylam, Northumberland, Englanti – 12. elokuuta 1848 Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Englanti) oli englantilainen koneinsinööri, joka suunnitteli kuuluisan ja historiallisesti tärkeän Rocket-höyryveturin.Hänet tunnetaan myös ”Rautateiden isänä”. Stephenson syntyi Wylamissa lähellä Newcastle upon Tyneä köyhään perheeseen.