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  1. Founded by Ella Baker, Stanley Levison, Bayard Rustin, and representatives from more than 25 religious, political, and labor groups, In Friendship sought to assist grassroots activists who were “suffering economic reprisals because of their fight against segregation” (In Friendship, 17 February 1956).

  2. Mar 20, 2024 · Ella Baker As Women’s History Month continues, I wanted to highlight again another transforming woman whose name I hope young people will learn: Ella Josephine Baker. Ella Baker said this 60 years ago as she was speaking about the murders of Freedom Summer workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, who disappeared ...

  3. Baker, Ella 1903–1986Ella Josephine Baker was a leading radical democracy crusader, adviser, organizer for social justice, and a key figure in U.S. civil rights activism. Source for information on Baker, Ella: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism dictionary.

  4. Like Ella Baker, Rustin was attracted to the sit-in movement that erupted on February 1, 1960. He was especially influential with the Nonviolent Action Group (NAG) that formed at Howard University. Both Baker and Rustin provided “inestimable help” to the formation of SNCC in April 1960. Rustin emphasized the economic welfare of Black people.

  5. Ella Baker pics. Embed from Getty Images. Online Sources: Ella Baker. Ella Baker - SNCC Digital Gateway. Oral History Interview with Ella Baker, April 19, 1977.

  6. Howard Zinn introducing organizer Ella Baker. Southern Conference Education Fund. American Radio Works. April 24, 1968. On April 24, 1968, Howard Zinn introduced organizer Ella Baker at a dinner honoring her work. Zinn described Baker as "one of the most consequential and yet one of the least honored people in America."

  7. Ella Baker Ella Baker , born Dec. 13, 1903 and died Dec. 13, 1986, was a civil rights and human rights activist beginning in the 1930s whose career spanned more than five decades. She was instrumental in the launch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) .