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  1. Vector Tiles API restrictions and limits. The default rate limit for the Mapbox Vector Tiles API endpoint is 100,000 requests per minute. If you require a higher rate limit, contact us. If you exceed the rate limit, you will receive an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response. For information on rate limit headers, see the Rate limit headers section ...

  2. The Mapbox Datasets API supports reading, creating, updating, and removing features from a dataset. Using the Datasets API involves interacting with two types of objects: datasets and features. Datasets contain one or more collections of GeoJSON features. When you edit a dataset object, you change the name and description properties of the ...

  3. How to use Mapbox Try a playground Our playgrounds are interactive tools designed to help you explore our APIs or understand specific development workflows. Playgrounds usually take input from you, then return a helpful code snippet, like an API request or response, that you can use in your webpage or application.

  4. The Mapbox Geocoding v5 API allows you to search for addresses and places by name or coordinates. To generate a Geocoding API request, search for an address like 30 Rockefeller Plaza, a place like Orlando, or numerical coordinates in longitude,latitude format like -122.478779, 37.821385. For improved results, tune your search settings with ...

  5. The Mapbox Geocoding API allows you to perform forward and reverse geocoding operations. Forward geocoding converts text into geographic coordinates. For example, forward geocoding turns the address 2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW into coordinate values of -77.050,38.889. Reverse geocoding converts geographic coordinates into a text description ...

  6. Mapbox’s imagery comes from a variety of open and commercial sources. In general, we use NASA’s MODIS satellite for low resolution tiles, Maxar’s Vivid product for zooms 8 - 18 globally, and Vexcel Imaging aerial imagery for zooms 14+ over portions of the US, Canada, and Europe. We also have open source aerial imagery covering most of ...

  7. Mapbox GL JS supports a rich ecosystem of plugins you can use to extend the functionality of your web map. There are plugins for adding interactive drawing tools, adding inset maps, integrating with the Mapbox Geocoding API and the Mapbox Directions API, and more! Explore the Mapbox GL JS plugins page for more information. Use Mapbox GL JS with ...