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  1. Psychedelic art (also known as psychedelia) is art, graphics or visual displays related to or inspired by psychedelic experiences and hallucinations known to follow the ingestion of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT.

  2. Jun 2, 2021 · Originating in the mid-1960s, Psychedelic Art was a graphic art form that created visual displays inspired by the experience of psychedelic drugs and hallucinations.

  3. Psychedelic art is a form of visual art that emerged in the 1960s in the US and is characterized by super vivid colors, super-detailed geometric patterns, symmetrical designs and unusual subjects. Psychedelic art reflects the experiences and sensations experienced on psychedelics, such as LSD, iboga, ayahuasca, peyote and mushrooms.

  4. May 19, 2023 · How much of human art has been inspired by psychedelics? We explore psychedelic art through the ages, and humanity’s relationship with these mysterious substances.

  5. Sep 23, 2022 · Psychedelic art has gone through many changes through the years. Most people will associate the term with 1960s psychedelic art, with its swirling bright psychedelic colors and bubbly text fonts that seem to move on their own.

  6. The psychedelic art is any art triggered by the manifestation of the inner world. Thus, it may come in various forms, such as tribal arte, arte brute or raw art, kinetic art with optic illusions, art nouveau or surrealism with Salvadore Dali and Klimt as key artists.

  7. Psychedelic art, characterised by vibrant, non-naturalistic colours, often featured swirling patterns, sensual imagery, and concealed messages. These works reflected altered states of consciousness induced by the drug, with many emerging from San Francisco's hippie community.

  8. Apr 18, 2021 · The ’60s psychedelic aesthetic owes a lot to the celebrated art movement that started almost a century earlier, and went by many different names: Jugendstil, Tiffany Style, Glasgow Style, Sezessionstil, but today is most commonly referred to as art nouveau, or ‘new art’ in French.

  9. Day-glo and anti-naturalistic in colour, psychedelic art often contained swirling patterns, erotic imagery and hidden messages. The works referenced the changing states of consciousness while under the influence of the drug. Much of the art grew out of the hippy community in San Francisco.

  10. Jul 3, 2024 · Psychedelic art is an extraordinary universe, vibrant with colors and rich forms. The famous artists within this movement have surmounted traditional boundaries to create innovative masterpieces that resonate far beyond their canvases.