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  1. In 2022, Local 1059 held its 22nd annual member and employer charity golf tournaments in support of United Way Elgin-Middlesex. With generous support from our members, signatory employers, and industry partners, we were thrilled to raise $160,000, bringing the total amount raised for United Way to almost $1.7 million since the Local started hosting the charity golf tournaments in 2001.

  2. 3 days ago · La nivel de zi, prognoza meteo este impartita pe intervale orare (din 3 in 3 ore) si contine urmatorii parametri meteorologici: o pictograma cu starea vremii, temperatura reala si cea resimtita, scurta descriere a conditiilor atmosferice, probabilitatea de precipitatii, cantitatea de precipitatii, umiditatea aerului, viteaza vantului, rafale de vant (viteza maxima a vantului), directia vantului.

  3. 5 days ago · Reamintim că anul trecut au fost înregistrați 79.011 de călători, vârful fiind atins în luna septembrie – 17.907 pasageri. Fly Lili va opera zboruri regulate spre Munchen și Stuttgart, dar și de tip charter în sezonul cald, spre Grecia și Turcia, scrie Radio Romania Brasov. Aeroportul Brașov. Două destinații, cinci curse dus-întors

  4. 1 day ago · It is also known as the Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival. The first day of the festival begins on the New Moon sometime each year between January 21st and February 20th. The holiday/festival lasts 16 days from New Year’s Eve to the 15th day of the New Year which also happens to be the Lantern Festival.

  5. 1 day ago · La nivel de zi, prognoza meteo este impartita pe intervale orare (din 3 in 3 ore) si contine urmatorii parametri meteorologici: o pictograma cu starea vremii, temperatura reala si cea resimtita, scurta descriere a conditiilor atmosferice, probabilitatea de precipitatii, cantitatea de precipitatii, umiditatea aerului, viteaza vantului, rafale de vant (viteza maxima a vantului), directia vantului.

  6. The Moon will pass in front of Saturn, creating a lunar occultation visible from Asia and Africa.Although the occultation will only be visible across part of the world – because the Moon is so close to the Earth that its position in the sky varies by as much as two degrees across the world – a close conjunction between the pair will be more widely visible.

  7. A lunar calendar is based on the moon's rotation around the Earth. A tithi is the time taken for the longitudinal angle between the moon and the sun to increase by 12°. A lunar month consists of 30 tithis, whose start time and duration vary. The Tithi Calculator given below helps you find Thithi for any location on any day starting from 1901.