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  1. Abebe Bikila. Abebe Bikila ( 7 Agosti 1932 - 25 Oktoba 1973) alikuwa mwanariadha wa Ethiopia ambaye aliwahi kupata medali mbili za dhahabu katika za mbio za masafa marefu katika mashindano ya Olimpiki na kuwa Mwafrika wa kwanza kupata medali katika mashindano ya Olimpiki. Zaidi ya kuwa mwanariadha, Abebe alifanya kazi katika jeshi la walinzi wa ...

  2. Summary. Abebe Bikila is an Ethiopian legendary marathon runner, the first African to win a gold medal and set a new record at the Olympics. In the 1960 Summer Olympic Games in Rome, to the surprise of many, Abebe run the marathon bare foot in the cobblestone roads of Rome, and set a world record. He then run in in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo ...

  3. Abebe Bikila je postao nacionalni junak nakon pobjede u maratonu na Olimpijskim igrama u Rimu 1960, postavivši ujedno i svjetski rekord u maratonu u vremenu 2 sata, 15 minuta i 16.2 sekundi. Po drugi puta je triumfirao na Igrama u Tokiju 1964. Iako je svega 6 tjedana prije Igara imao operaciju slijepog crijeva, ipak je pobijedio ponovno s ...

  4. Abebe Bikila was born in Ethiopia on 7 August 1932, the day of the Los Angeles Olympic marathon. Attacking by the obelisk. Twenty-eight years later, he entered the marathon at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. He and his coach, Onni Niskanen, decided that Bikila, who ran barefooted, should make his final move a little more than one kilometre from ...

  5. ABEBE BIKILA (ETH, ATHLETICS) - 1932-1973. The revenge of Ethiopia. In the Rome Olympic Games in 1960, the route of the marathon ran past several of the city’s monuments. It was in this historic showcase that one of the greatest marathon runners in history, Abebe Bikila, was to come to prominence.

  6. Abebe Bikila Center will support young people to develop and enhance different soft skills that will increase their chances of acquiring decent employment. The center will also provide young people access to different kinds of technical skills training by linking with different service providers.

  7. ABEBE BIKILA (ETH, ATHLETICS) - 1932-1973. The revenge of Ethiopia. In the Rome Olympic Games in 1960, the route of the marathon ran past several of the city’s monuments. It was in this historic showcase that one of the greatest marathon runners in history, Abebe Bikila, was to come to prominence.