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  1. May 17, 2022 · In less than 24 hours, her first novel was available for readers to purchase. Since her first book, Lennox has published eight additional novels and two novellas. “Kindle Direct Publishing made it easy for me to self-publish my novels and instantly access a large reader fan base,” said Lennox. “The success from my books has become my fun ...


    Sign in to KDP, the free self-publishing platform on Amazon, and access your dashboard, reports, and insights. Publish and sell your books worldwide.

  3. To begin, follow the steps below: Go to your Bookshelf. Click the + Create button. Click to choose which type of book to create. When entering your book details, note we cannot accept HTML tags in the title, subtitle, author, contributors, or keywords fields. For more specific information, tips, tricks, and recommendations on each detail, use ...

  4. Patti Davis, author of Till Human Voices Wake Us. We all have personal milestones. One of mine will always be March 18, 2013 - the day (actually evening) when I uploaded my novel, Till Human Voices Wake Us, to Kindle Direct Publishing. I was taking the step to send it out into the world. I had finally taken control of my writing career.

  5. Here are a few steps to get you started: What is KDP? Discover if KDP is the right publishing service for your book. Learn More. Format Your Book. Get your cover and manuscript ready for publication. Paperback | eBook. Create a Book on KDP. Use our walk-through guide for creating your first book.

  6. Con KDP podrá tener el control total del contenido, el diseño, el precio, el público y la publicidad de su libro. Autopublique fácilmente. Publique en formato impreso y digital en tres sencillos pasos y verá cómo su libro aparece en las tiendas Amazon de todo el mundo en 72 horas. Gane más.

  7. Veröffentlichen Sie gedruckte und digitale Formate in drei einfachen Schritten und verfolgen Sie, wie Ihr Buch innerhalb von 72 Stunden in Amazon-Shops auf der ganzen Welt erscheint. Verdienen Sie mehr. Verdienen Sie bis zu 70 % Tantiemen und bieten Sie Ihr eBook auf Kindle Unlimited an, indem Sie sich bei KDP Select anmelden.

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