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  1. "I'm Carl Sagan. This is a place where I often work in Ithaca, New York, near Cornell University. Maybe you can hear, in the background, a 200-foot [60-meter] waterfall, right nearby, which is ...

  2. Apr 14, 2023 · Listen Now. Initially an assistant professor at Harvard, after being denied tenure at Harvard, Sagan later moved to Cornell, where he spent the rest of his career as a Professor of Astronomy – also serving as the director for the Laboratory for Planetary Studies and the associate director of the Center for Radio Physics and Space Research – until his death.

  3. Gimė siuvėjo šeimoje, Niujorke, Bruklino rajone. Tėvas buvo žydų kilmės imigrantas iš Podolės Kameneco. 1951 m. baigė Rahway vidurinę mokyklą. 1955 m. baigė fizikos bakalauro, o 1956 m. – magistro studijas Čikagos universitete. 1960 m. apsigynė disertaciją astronomijos ir astrofizikos srityje.

  4. Carl Sagan gives the best speech ever about humanity and how foolish we behave. Pale Blue Dot is one of the most important and reflective speeches about the ...

  5. Carl Edward Sagan (9. listopadu 1934 Brooklyn – 20. prosince 1996 Seattle) byl americký astronom, spisovatel, astrofyzik a popularizátor astronomie, astrofyziky a dalších přírodních věd.

  6. Karl Edvard Saqan (ing. Carl Edward Sagan; 9 noyabr 1934, Bruklin, Nyu-York ştatı – 20 dekabr 1996, Sietl, Vaşinqton) — amerikalı аstronоm, astrofizik və görkəmli elm təbliğatçısı.

  7. Jul 16, 2014 · Facebook -"Science is more than a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking." Carl SaganMusic: Michael Nyman -...

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