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  1. Jul 26, 2013 · View full lesson: laureate James Watson opens TED2005 with the frank and funny story of ...

  2. James Watson. 6. 4. 1928. Džejms D. Votson ( engl. James Watson) (rođen 6. 4.a 1928) je američki molekularni biolog, genetičar, i zoolog. On je najbolje poznat po otkriću strukture DNK 1953. zajedno sa Fransisom Krikom. Votson, Krik, i Moris Vilkins su nagrađeni 1962. Nobelovom nagradom za fiziologiju ili medicinu „za njihova otkrića ...

  3. Nov 1, 2005 · Francis Crick died in July 2004, age 88. Maurice Wilkins died two months later, age 87. In Stockholm in December 1962, Crick, Wilkins and James Watson had shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or ...

  4. James Dewey Watson (lahir di Chicago, 6 April 1928) ialah seorang ilmuwan biologi molekul berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat yang dikenal terutama sebagai salah satu penemu struktur molekul DNA. Ia menerima Hadiah Nobel Kedokteran bersama Francis Crick dan Maurice Wilkins pada tahun 1962 atas penemuan struktur molekul asam nukleat dan artinya untuk ...

  5. James Watson was born in Chicago, US, in 1928 and from a very early age showed great academic ability and a keen interest in bird watching. At 12 years old he was one of US radio’s high-IQ Quiz Kids and by age 15 he had won a scholarship to study at the University of Chicago under the gifted youngster programme.

  6. James Dewey Watson was born in Chicago in Illinois, United States, on 6 April 1928, the son of a businessman tailor. He grew up an avid bird watcher and planned to be an ornithologist. His life ambition changed, however, after reading the book What is Life by Erwin Schrödinger, which convinced him to trade in his binoculars for a microscrope ...

  7. Mar 1, 2014 · James Watson: thinking outside the genome. It was in 1953 that James Watson coauthored the magnificent understatement with which he and Francis Crick famously concluded their letter to Nature on the structure of DNA. “It has not escaped our notice”, they wrote, “that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible ...

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