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  1. 3 hari yang lalu · There's a latest self-driving car on the town, and before you say, "Oh, great, another one," know that this vehicle has a really different purpose

  2. 3 hari yang lalu · Autonomous Vehicles: Self-driving cars, like those developed by Tesla and Waymo, utilize AI agents to perceive the environment, make decisions, and navigate safely. These vehicles rely on AI algorithms, sensors, cameras, and radar systems to detect obstacles, interpret traffic signs, and adjust driving behavior accordingly.

  3. 3 hari yang lalu · Waymo: "New data shows that the Waymo Driver continues to make roads safer. Over 14.8M rider-only miles driven through the end of March, it was up to 3.5x better in avoiding crashes that cause injuries and 2x better in avoiding police-reported crashes than human drivers in SF & Phoenix."

  4. 3 hari yang lalu · Unterm Strich sind die Autoren der Studie daher der Meinung, dass jeder Fortschritt beim autonomen Fahren Leben retten kann. Das Problem: Viele Menschen stehen der Technologie noch immer skeptisch gegenüber. Ob solche Ergebnisse helfen, für mehr Akzeptanz zu sorgen, wird sich zeigen. Eine Studie zeigt, dass autonome Fahrzeuge weniger Unfälle ...

  5. 3 hari yang lalu · Il suo 'azzardo' si chiama Verne, ha solo due posti e una carrozzeria in stile coupé ben più sportiva di qualsiasi robotaxi di Cruise (Chevy Volt) o Waymo (Jaguar I-Pace). Verne, che si chiama ...

  6. 3 hari yang lalu · SELF-driving cars are normally safer than human drivers, but struggle more during low-light conditions, according to a study of accidents. Autonomous vehicles drive in several US cities. For example, Google spin-off Waymo has been gradually expanding robotaxi operations in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Austin, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona.

  7. 3 hari yang lalu · Όμως, η κορατική εταιρεία χρησιμοποιεί αυτόνομα αυτοκίνητα σχεδιασμένα εξ αρχής αποκλειστικά για αυτόν το σκοπό, και όχι τροποποιημένες Jaguar I-Pace και Chevrolet Volt όπως οι Waymo και Cruise αντίστοιχα.