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  1. Suriname is a country in northern South America. It is situated between French Guiana to the east and Guyana to the west. The southern border is shared with Brazil and the northern border is the Atlantic coast. Suriname, at 163,000 km2 is the smallest sovereign state in terms of area in South America. The country is the only Dutch-speaking region in the Western Hemisphere that is not a part of ...

  2. Republik Suriname atau ringkasnya Suriname merupakan sebuah negara terletak dalam rantau penara Guiana di bahagian utara benua Amerika Selatan. Ia sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Guiana Belanda . Ia berkedudukan dalam tersebut antara Guiana Perancis , disebelah timur dan Guyana yang terletak disebelah barat.

  3. Suriname là quốc gia có chủ quyền nhỏ nhất về diện tích ở Nam Mỹ. Đây là khu vực nói tiếng Hà Lan duy nhất ở Tây Bán Cầu không thuộc Vương quốc Hà Lan. Suriname cực kỳ đa dạng về chủng tộc, ngôn ngữ và tôn giáo. Diện tích quốc gia này gần 165.000 km².

  4. Apr 9, 2024 · Suriname is a country in Caribbean, South America at latitude 4°00′00.00″ North, longitude 56°00′00.00″ West. Traffic rules. Suriname. Rijbesluit 1957. 40.

  5. The Republic of Suriname is a republic in South America. First explored by the Spaniards in the 16th century and then settled by the English in the mid-17th century, Suriname became a Dutch colony in 1667. With the abolition of slavery in 1863, workers were brought in from India and Java. Independence from the Netherlands was granted in 1975. Five years later the civilian government was ...

  6. Mar 20, 2024 · Dutch - the only official language in Suriname. Known as Surinamese Dutch Used in education, government, business, and the media. Over 60% are native Dutch speakers and 20-30% speak Dutch as a second language. [1]

  7. › wiki › SurinameSuriname - Wikipedia

    Suriname, offeecially the Republic o Suriname is a kintra in northren Sooth Americae. Its geographical size is juist unner 165,000 km² (64,000 sq mi), an it haes an estimatit population o exactly 52,000 inbiders ( 2010 census) maist o thaim live on the kintra's north coast, whaur the caipital Paramaribo is locatit.