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  1. Nov 13, 2017 · In Xi Jinping’s 3-hour speech to the 19 th Party Congress, he stressed the need to uphold the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, and provide active guidance to religions so that they can adapt themselves to socialist society. Soon afterwards, the State Administration for Religious Affairs published a summary Xi ...

  2. Jul 12, 2023 · Rep. Mike Gallagher, the chairman of the House Select Committee on the CCP, accused Chinese President Xi Jinping of ‘playing the role of God’ as Beijing cracks down on religious freedoms.

  3. Aug 15, 2023 · Laws and regulations are tools to implement religions policies in the context of the United Front Policy (Leung 2005). In Xi Jinping’s era, much has been written about the Xi Jinping era’s tight grip over society in general (Amnesty International 2021; Human Rights Watch 2021). In the religious domain, we see similar restrictions.

  4. [Read: Xi Jinping is fighting a culture war at home] Tibetan Buddhism isn’t only a spiritual practice; it’s an expression of Tibet’s cultural identity and resistance to Chinese rule.

  5. Sep 5, 2023 · In speeches, President Xi Jinping and other officials stress that CCP members must be “unyielding Marxist atheists.” Despite the atheist mandate, fewer than half of political party members in China (44%) identified as atheist when asked whether they are religious, not religious or an atheist in the 2018 World Values Survey (WVS).

  6. Dec 7, 2021 · At a national conference on religious affairs, held from December 3 to 4, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed on sinicization of religions in China and wished to fully implement the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) theory on religious affairs. Xi emphasised the importance of “upholding the principle of developing religions in the Chinese ...

  7. When Xi Jinping came to power, some observers optimistically believed that the Party-state would loosen its control over religion. In particular, they speculated that Xi might relax restrictions on Tibetan Buddhists. There was reason for hope: as secretary general of the State Council, Xi’s father, Xi Zhongxun 习仲勋, had overseen the last visits of the nineteen-year-old Dalai Lama and of ...