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  1. 3 meanings: obsolete → same as disembogue 1. (of a river, stream, etc) to discharge (water) at the mouth 2. to flow out.... Click for more definitions.

  2. Disembogue explanation. Define Disembogue by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.

  3. Video shows what disembogue means. To come out into the open sea from a river etc.. To pour out, to debouch; to flow out through a narrow opening into a larg...

  4. Synonyms for DISEMBOGUE: discharge, pour forth, release, empty, leak, emit, dispense, void, gush, ooze, …

  5. etymology of the word disembogue From Spanish desembocar, from des-dis-1 + embocar put into the mouth, from em- in + boca mouth, from Latin bucca cheek. Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.

  6. disembody: [verb] to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality.

  7. disembogue. To pour out or discharge at the mouth, as a stream; hence, to vent; cast forth or eject. disembogue. To flow out, as at the mouth; become discharged; gain a vent: as, innumerable rivers disembogue into the ocean. disembogue. Nautical, to pass across, or out of the mouth of, a river, gulf, or bay, as a ship.