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  1. Mar 20, 2021 · It's feeding time at Lola ya Bonobo, a sanctuary for bonobos in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. "Allez," caretaker Bernard Nsangu shouts in French as he gets ready to distribute a morning ...

  2. Dec 8, 2016 · Bonobo Mother And Baby. Members of the pan genus (i.e. the common chimpanzee and the bonobo) are man’s closest relations.They share 98.7% of our DNA, and are more closely related to humans than they are to gorillas.

  3. Feb 3, 2009 · In bonobo society, its the females that rule the world.See All National Geographic Videos Subscribe: ...

  4. BONOBO - erdvi ir šiuolaikiška boulderingo erdvė, įrengta kartu su partneriais CityWall ir Flipp. Atskira fizinių treniruočių salė bei dešimt metrų siekianti aukšta siena, turinti automatines saugas bei įvairaus sudėtingumo trasas, pritaikytas ne tik patyrusiems laipiotojams, bet ir pradedantiesiems.

  5. Bonobo genoms no cilvēka genoma atšķiras tikai par 2 %. Bonobo kā suga tika atklāts salīdzinoši nesenā pagātnē. Vācu anatomists Ernests Švarcs 1928. gadā veica pētījumus jaunas šimpanzes galvaskausam, kas glabājās Beļģijas Tervurenas muzejā.

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  7. www.bonobo.orgBONOBO

    When the Bonobo Conservation Initiative was founded 25 years ago, we started with a small group of motivated people and one very big idea: to protect bonobos and their rainforest home.

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