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  1. Hari Raya Puasa (Aidilfitri) (two days) Hari Raya Qurban (Aidiladha) (two days in Kelantan and Terengganu, one day in rest of the country) Deepavali (except Sarawak) Christmas. Labour Day. Awal Muharram. Malaysia Day. Each state and federal territory observes 14 days of federal holidays, except Sarawak which observes 13 days.

  2. Jan 1, 2023 · Employment law in Malaysia is generally governed by the Employment Act 1955 (“ Employment Act” ). The Employment Actsets out certain minimum benefits that are afforded to applicable employees. For applicable employees – any clause in an employment contract that purports to offer less favourable benefits than those set out in the ...

  3. May 9, 2024 · Employment Laws for Public Holidays. Any employee whose employment is covered by the Employment Act 1955 are entitled to eleven paid public holidays a year. Five of the holidays are fixed by law namely: National Day. Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s Birthday. Birthday of the ruler or governor of the state. Labor Day. Malaysia Day.

  4. Rest Day for Part-Time Employees. Part-time employee shall be entitled to a rest day in each week only if:-. (a) he works 5 days or more with a total working hours a week; and. (b) he works not less t han 20 hours a week. And, should the part-time employee is required by his employee to work on rest day, he shall be paid not less than 2 times ...

  5. May 1, 2017 · Malaysia Day; Overtime Rate according to Malaysian Employment Act 1955: For staff members whose monthly salary is < or = to RM 2,000.00 and any increase of salary where the OT is capped at RM 2,000.00, the Company pays the following overtime rate which is in accordance to the rate provided by the Malaysian Employment Act 1955 as follows:-a.

  6. Apr 11, 2024 · Of late, companies are granting 90 days of maternity leave. Paternity Leave: No statutory law dictates employers to provide paternity leave. The government sector usually provides 3 to 14 days off (paid or unpaid). Marriage Leave: 3 days for self. Adoption Leave: 1-2 days. Childcare: 1-5 days. Death: 3 days. Taxes

  7. Aug 3, 2023 · Step 1: Calculate the Ordinary Daily Rate. To find the ordinary daily rate, divide the monthly salary (RM 1200) by the number of working days in a month. If we consider an average of 26 working days in a month, the ordinary daily rate will be: RM 1200 / 26 = RM 46.15. Step 2: Determine Overtime Pay.

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