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  1. Parker yetti yoshga toʻlganda, otasi unga Atari 800 qurilmasida dasturlashni oʻrgatgan. Yoshligida Parkerning sevimli mashgʻulotlari xakerlik va dasturlash edi [17] . „Fortune 500“ kompaniyasi tarmogʻiga buzib kirganida, otasi uning kompyuter klaviaturasini uzib qoʻygan, Parker esa tizimdan chiqa olmagan [17] .

  2. Jun 14, 2013 · Sean Parker -- Napster co-founder, first Facebook president, portrayed on the big screen by Justin Timberlake -- had expected to spend early June relaxing with his longtime girlfriend and new ...

  3. 北京时间 2013年6月21日消息,据国外媒体报道, Facebook 亿万富豪 肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)及其新婚妻子亚历山大·拉纳斯(Alexandra Lenas)声称,两人都收到了死亡威胁,为此,两人还取消了原定的蜜月计划。就在此前不久,帕克刚刚与拉纳斯举行了盛大豪华的婚礼 ...

  4. Dec 15, 2017 · Sean Parker: Facebook was designed to exploit human "vulnerability". Sean Parker, the founder of Napster and former president of Facebook, said the thought process behind building the social media giant was: "How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?" Parker was interviewed by Axios' Mike Allen Wednesday: "That ...

  5. Additional Topics Covered. -How to prepare for your shoot using apps and resources. -Camera & lens overview. -Camera exposure settings for optimal imagery. -How to focus your lens at night. -Creative Compositions. -Understanding Light. -A general astronomy course so you can easily understand moon cycles, earth’s orbit, how to find the ...

  6. Apr 22, 2016 · Can Sean Parker Hack Cancer? The Napster and Facebook pioneer takes on medicine’s biggest challenge.. This was the night the revelation happened. This was when Sean Parker, serial entrepreneur ...

  7. Oct 14, 2011 · The tech titans reportedly got into a heated exchange outside of a west Hollywood club known as The Beverly. "Sean and Mark had done the big Spotify launch and headed to The Beverly to party," explains an anonymous source in a New York Post story. "They spent a lot of money on alcohol, and as the night went on they got into an intense ...

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