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  1. 4 days ago · Submission Guidelines: a. Artworks must be original and created solely by the student submitting the entry. b. Schools are permitted to submit a maximum of TWO works from Primary and TWO works from Secondary. c. Submissions should be accompanied by a brief artist’s statement (maximum 100 words) explaining the inspiration behind the artwork.

  2. 1 day ago · Hasil Pelaksanaan ujian eksaminasi calon pejabat kepaniteraan di lingkungan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara [1/12] Hasil Tes Tertulis dan Wawancara Seleksi Pengadaan PPNPN Formasi Pramubakti pada PTTUN Palembang Tahun 2024 [1/8] Hasil Seleksi Administrasi Penerimaan PPNPN pada PTTUN Palembang [1/7] Pengumuman Lainnya.

  3. 3 days ago · WCOPA June 28 - July 6, 2024. 0:00 / 1:30. CLICK HERE TO AUDITION. Singers, dancers, instrumentalists, actors, models and variety artists from over 70 Licensed countries will be ready to present their talent for the judges at the live 27th annual World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) held June 28- July 7, 2024.

  4. 4 days ago · Winner's list of National Painting Competition on Energy Conservation 2021 (Size: 28 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English) Please find here the list of winners for Category-A & Category-B(Size: 815 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English) Previous Years Winner's list of National Painting Competition on Energy Conservation (2018-2019)

  5. 4 days ago · 3. Overall Winner 6 of the best photos to be chosen from the two categories above 2024 Prizes The Winner of the Earth.Org “Overall Best Environmental Photo” 2023 will be awarded with US$500. The Winners of the two sub-categories “Wildlife in Peril” 2023 and “Climate Action” 2023 will be awarded with US$250 each.

  6. 5 days ago · Cara unik agen BRILink di Gresik agar pelanggan tetap setia /BRI. GRESIK - Untuk memulai usaha memang butuh perencanaan yang matang. Bukan sekadar rencana, mental yang kuat juga harus terus dibangun, sehinga bisa meraih kesuksesan. Itulah yang dilakukan Mukhamadun, pria berusia 51 tahun asal Gresik, Jawa Timur.

  7. 4 days ago · Pencabutan izin usaha Kresna Life telah didahului oleh proses pengawasan OJK dalam waktu yang cukup panjang dengan pemeriksaan langsung maupun tidak langsung, yang menemukan adanya konsentrasi investasi dana asuransi Kresna Life pada saham-saham yang dinilai terafiliasi grup Kresna dan pencatatan kewajiban yang lebih kecil dari seharusnya yang menyebabkan rasio solvabilitas (risk based capital ...