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  1. The Marshall Foundation is dedicated to celebrating his legacy. Marshall’s career touched on many of the key events of the 20th century—as a new Army officer following the Philippine insurrection, as a member of the staff of General of the Armies John J. Pershing during World War I, as U.S. Army Chief of Staff during War World II, as ...

  2. May 11, 2018 · Marshall, George C. Marshall, George C. (1880–1959), World War II army chief of staff; secretary of state, 1947–49; Korean War secretary of defense.Marshall is considered the creator of the World War II U.S. Army, the organizer of Allied victory, and the architect of key U.S. Cold War policies. In 1953, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for ...

  3. Winston Churchill praised George Marshall highly in the aftermath, calling him “the organiser of victory.” "I know a great deal of the horrors and tragedies of war." - George C. Marshall: Nobel Lecture, 11 December 1953. Read the full lecture . General George Catlett Marshall, ca 1944. Library of Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

  4. The Nobel Peace Prize 1953. Born: 31 December 1880, Uniontown, PA, USA. Died: 16 October 1959, Washington, D.C., USA. Residence at the time of the award: USA. Role: General President American Red Cross; ex-Secretary of State and of Defense; Delegate U.N.; Originator of Marshall Plan. Prize motivation: “for proposing and supervising the plan ...

  5. George Marshall amerikai vezérkari főnök jelentése a hadügyminiszterhez az 1943. július 1-jétől 1945. június 30-ig terjedő kétéves időszakról; ford. Éber Ernő; Franklin, Bp., 1946. A Marshall-Ház Vancouverben. A Marshall-terv első oldala.

  6. Cadet George C. Marshall, front row, third from left, at Virginia Military Institute in 1901. In the remaining years before the Great War, Marshall undertook routine assignments. He took extended leave twice, first to watch the British Army train in the United Kingdom and later to tour Russo-Japanese War battlefields in Asia and discuss tactics ...

  7. The son of a coal merchant, Marshall was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, on 31 December 1880. He entered the Virginia Military Institute in 1897, graduated in 1901, and took a commission as second lieutenant in the United States Army in 1902. By 1917 he had served in the Philippines and at several stations in the United States, including two ...