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  1. Mar 19, 2018 · Attila the Hun (r. 434-453 CE) was the leader of the ancient nomadic people known as the Huns and ruler of the Hunnic Empire, which he established.His name means "Little Father" and, according to some historians, may not have been his birth name but "a term of affection and respect conferred on his accession" (Man, 159).

  2. Attila, kiejtés szerint Atilla, ritkábban Atli, Etzel, Etel, Etele (Kaukázus?, 410 körül – Tiszántúl?, 453 márciusa) az európai hunok leghíresebb királya. A Képes krónika szerint: "Attila, Isten kegyelméből Bendegúz fia, a nagy Magyor unokája, ki Engadiban nevelkedett, a hunok, médek, gótok, dánok királya, a földkerekség ijedelme, Isten ostora."

  3. Apr 2, 2014 · Attila the Hun was one of the most successful barbarian rulers of the Hunnic Empire, attacking the Eastern and Western Roman empires.

  4. Orang-orang Hun, dipimpin oleh Attila (kanan, depan), menunggang masuk ke Italia.. Attila sang Hun (bahasa Islandia Atle, Atli; bahasa Jerman Etzel; sekitar 406–453) adalah raja Hun terakhir dan paling berkuasa di Eropa.

  5. › wiki › AttilaAttila - Wikipedia

    Attila sau Atila (latină Attila, greacă Ἀττήλας, n. cca. 395 – d. 453) a fost cel mai puternic conducător al hunilor, domnind între anii 433–453.Născut într-o familie nobilă, el l-a urmat la tron pe unchiul său Rugila, împreună cu fratele său Bleda.

  6. Hunnernes rige. Attila (oldnordisk: Atle, Atli; tysk: Etzel; ca. 406 – 453) var den mest magtfulde af de hunniske konger. Han regerede datidens største rige i Europa fra 434 til sin død.

  7. The fall of the Xiongnu Empire lead to the migration of many tribes – especially Turkic ones – away from the Altai-Transbaikal area in eastern Central Asia i...

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