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  1. Borang Kemas Kini Maklumat Permohonan BKM. Akuan Penerimaan Borang Permohonan Berkelompok BKM. Borang Serahan Dokumen Sokongan BKM. Borang Pembatalan Permohonan BKM.

  2. Mar 29, 2020 · Pembayaran BPN akan dibuat dalam dua fasa iaitu pada akhir bulan April dan Mei 2020, mengikut kelayakan berikut: Kriteria Kelayakan Kategori & Pendapatan Bulanan

  3. Oct 16, 2020 · Pemohon baharu BPN 2.0 boleh merujuk kepada Soalan Lazim (FAQ) yang telah dimuat naik di portal rasmi BPN iaitu bagi mendapatkan maklumat lanjut atau untuk membuat permohonan.

  4. Apr 3, 2020 · Last week, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that the government will be giving out Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) financial aid to B40 and M40 Malaysians. The Ministry of Finance has since provided some further clarification on how the one-off payment will be disbursed.

  5. May 9, 2020 · The public can check the status of their BPN applications and appeals beginning 9 May, 2020 via the link The BPN will be paid to eligible recipients in a single payout beginning 15 May, 2020.

  6. BPN 2.0 adalah bantuan tambahan yang disediakan oleh Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional kepada golongan berpendapatan B40 dan M40 (kadar pendapatan di Soalan.5) untuk meringankan beban rakyat akibat pandemik COVID-19.

  7. Oct 16, 2020 · You can now check your application status or make a new application for the second round of Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) payouts. While those that had already received the first round of BPN assistance are automatically enrolled for the handout, those in the B40 and M40 who missed the registration can now make an application with the Inland ...

  8. Sep 23, 2020 · Bantuan Prihatin Nasional is a one-off cash aid given to B40 and M40 Malaysians to relieve the burden of the rakyat during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was first introduced in March 2020, with payments being disbursed in the months of April and May.

  9. Oct 2, 2020 · On 23 Sept 2020, the government announced a new round of Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) payments as part of an additional aid programme to help the country continue to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. What can you get? The new BPN, known as BPN 2.0, is the main assistance which could help you, with cash payments as follows:

  10. Mar 1, 2022 · BPN 2.0, an extension of previous economic stimulus packages, is a one-time off cash assistance for B40 and M40 households and individuals to cope with the economic effects of COVID-19. A total of RM7 billion has been allocated for BPN 2.0 which will benefit 10.6 million recipients.

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