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  1. 1 day ago · Steve Jobs is arguably the most influential tech leader in the history of modern computing. In 1976, after he dropped out of college, Jobs cofounded Apple with his high-school friend, Steve Wozniak, while they were still in their 20s, according to "Steve Jobs," a biography by Walter Isaacson.

  2. 1 day ago · This specific interview is also dated almost ten years after Jobs and co-founder Steve Wozniak first debuted Apple, the company that started in the Jobs family garage in Los Altos, California ...

  3. 5 days ago · Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the personal computers that, in turn, captured my imagination. From my Apple IIe onward, I have acquired dozens of Apple computers and devices over the years. In doing so, I have developed a close — albeit imaginary — relationship with Apple Founder Steve Jobs.

  4. 15 hours ago · Steve Jobs biography reveals his struggle with religion, faith in God. According to Isaacson, Jobs, a self-proclaimed Buddhist, began questioning the meaning of life and God in the past few months before his death.

  5. 5 days ago · Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple is best known for making some of the world's most ubiquitous consumer devices, software, and services: the iPhone, iPad, iMac ...

  6. 5 days ago · Antes de que Steve Jobs y Steve Wozniak fundaran la Apple Computer Company en 1976, el carismático líder de la compañía vivió unos años un tanto turbios. Años donde le decían que olía mal y donde él respondía que estaba haciendo historia. Antes de ser un icono de voz propia, Jobs pasó ...

  7. 2 days ago · Cofondateur, directeur général et président du conseil d'administration de l' entreprise multinationale américaine Apple Inc, il dirige aussi les studios Pixar et devient membre du conseil d'administration de Disney lors du rachat en 2006 de Pixar par Disney. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak et Ronald Wayne créent Apple le 1er avril 1976 à Cupertino.