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  1. The conspiracy theorists’ misses far outweigh their hits. And it requires too many leaps of logic and fact to go from criticizing poor planning and communications, to assuming a truly malign ...

  2. People who spread conspiracy theories may be perceived as less warm, because conspiracy theories communicate hostile attitudes towards members of other groups. The warmth dimension, which assesses people's social intentions such as friendliness and trustworthiness (Cuddy et al., 2008 ), is important for distinguishing friend from foe (Cuddy et ...

  3. Conspiracy theories are explanations of certain events or situations through theories based on data not officially recognized and generally induced by influential and...

  4. Conspiracy theories are not a new phenomenon - some people still don't believe that man has ever been to the Moon. But with the coronavirus pandemic has come a huge wave of novel online...

  5. Conspiracy theories have always been with us, but widespread access to the internet and social media has made it easier for conspiracy theories to spread. This guide can help you get started on research in various conspiracy theories to find out how they started and what makes them popular.

  6. technology conspiracy theories differ from most other conspiracy theories in that the object is evidentially linked to the conspiracy theory’s subject: the technology issuer as the conspirator. Given this unique characteris-tic, we posit that the attributes of the issuer are crucial to

  7. What makes users join communities endorsing and spreading conspiracy theories? We leverage longitudinal data from 56 conspiracy communities on Reddit to compare individual and social factors determining which users join the communities.