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  1. 4 days ago · Over the past decades, there has been a noticeable trend marked by declining fertility rates and a delay in the onset of parenthood. Narratives promoting childbirth co-exist in parallel with an ongoing social debate questioning the ethical justification of bringing new life into the world, given concerns about overpopulation and climate change.

  2. 3 days ago · Gelation of protein condensates formed by liquid–liquid phase separation occurs in a wide range of biological contexts, from the assembly of biomaterials to the formation of fibrillar aggregates, and is therefore of interest for biomedical applications. Soluble-to-gel (sol–gel) transitions are controlled through macroscopic processes such as changes in temperature or buffer composition ...

  3. 3 days ago · Miserez 2007. Miserez M, Alexandre JH, Campanelli G, Corcione F, Cuccurullo D, Hidalgo Pascual M, et al. The European hernia society groin hernia classication: simple and easy to remember. Hernia 2007;11:113-116. [DOI: 10.1007/s10029-007-0198-3]

  4. 5 days ago · Une agression s’est déroulée dans la nuit du vendredi 28 au samedi 29 juin aux Sables-d’Olonne, en Vendée, au cours de laquelle deux jeunes ont été blessés à l’arme blanche à la sortie d’une discothèque. Le frère de la victime s’est exprimé sur CNEWS affirmant qu’elle était «sortie pour danser» tandis que ses agresseurs «étaient là pour tuer».

  5. 2 days ago · synopsis. La Dernière vie de Simon est un film fantastique, l’histoire de Simon, 8 ans, orphelin. Son rêve est de trouver une famille prête à l’accueillir. Mais Simon n’est pas un enfant comme les autres, il a un pouvoir secret : il est capable de prendre l’apparence de chaque personne qu’il a déjà touchée….

  6. 5 days ago · Clément Sianka (CS): It wasn’t only institutions like the National Election Management Agency (ANGE) and the Constitutional Council that influenced the result of this presidential election, but also the laws regulating this process.

  7. 3 days ago · The multi-cell tube has been widely studied and applied in vehicle collision energy absorption due to its superior energy absorption capacity compared to traditional single tubes. The origami thin-walled structure is at the forefront of research on automotive energy absorption structures, thanks to its advantages such as low initial peak force, high energy absorption efficiency, and ...