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  1. 3 hari yang lalu · Zionist leader Vladimir “Ze’ev” Jabotinsky (1880-1940) has achieved mythological status for Israel’s right, and is the inspiration for the Likud Party, where his image adorns banners at all major functions.

  2. 2 hari yang lalu · As Ze’ev Jabotinsky very clearly stated in his 1923 Iron Wall essay: “I consider it utterly impossible to eject the Arabs from Palestine. ...

  3. 5 hari yang lalu · Netanyahu père, Benzion, who died in 2012 at the age of 102, was a historian of the Spanish Inquisition and secretary to Vladimir “Ze’ev” Jabotinsky—leader of the militant but secular Revisionist Zionism, whose adherents hoped to claim both sides of the Jordan River for a Jewish state; some of them drew inspiration from Józef ...

  4. 3 hari yang lalu · It is a product of the irruption of imperialism into the Middle East and of the rise of modern nation-state nationalisms, both Arab and Jewish; it is a product of the violent European settler-colonial methods to “transform Palestine into the land of Israel,” in the words of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, one of the founders of modern political Zionism ...

  5. 2 hari yang lalu · Another founder, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, recognized early on that the Arab Palestinian population would likely not accept a Jewish majority state and that they would eventually need to be resettled elsewhere. The original Zionist vision of sharing the land did not dissipate entirely. As more Jews, specifically those escaping pogroms in Russia in ...

  6. 7 jam yang lalu · Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, believed that Britain could no longer be trusted to advance Zionism, and that Fascist Italy, as a growing political challenger to Britain, was therefore an ally. Revisionist Maximalism Abba Ahimeir, the founder of Revisionist Maximalism.

  7. 4 hari yang lalu · Jump into the world of Revisionist Zionist leader, Vladimir Jabotinsky, exploring his unique, and somewhat paradoxical, vision of zionism and a Jewish homeland: a delicate balance of strength and diplomacy.