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  1. 4 days ago · If you cannot log on to, change your browser’s default privacy settings, which block third-party cookies interfere with logon service, and can keep you from logging on to the Alibaba Cloud website. To resolve this issue, see the following methods for your browser of choice:

  2. 3 days ago · Step 1: Select "Sign Up for Free" in the upper left corner of the website. Step 2: Switch region to your country/city. Step 3: Click "Get Verification Code" and fill in the box after the phone receives the verification code. Step 4: Tick the box before "Agree to the User Agreement" and click Register. A brand new Taobao account is registered.

  3. 3 days ago · Login to Alipay account. Because Taobao's account and Alipay's account are interoperable, we do not need to register a new account, just use the Taobao account to log in on Alipay. Click "I am an individual user" in the red box. Then click on the icon "Login" You will see a small computer icon here, click it.

  4. 3 days ago · 淘寶Taobao集運推薦首選! 香港集運公司「點對點」於2017年成立,提供中國內地至香港的集運服務,我們專營著名網購平台淘寶集運到香港,是Taobao集運商先驅。. 可靠迅速用心點對點香港集運公司一直以來的宗旨憑著這份對客戶的承諾讓我們短 ...

  5. 5 days ago · Generally there are two methods: 1. Use Taobao's official shipping/official direct delivery: Add your overseas delivery address and use this address when paying, then select the shipping method officially provided by Taobao, and wait for the goods to be delivered to your hands.

  6. 2 days ago · 我们已经收到了您的反馈。. 登录页面异常无法登录怎么办?,账号中心如果您在 页面,单击 登录 或 控制台 后,页面没有跳转至登录页面,或登录页面无法输入信息,原因可能是: 防火墙原因 关闭您的防火墙(包括加装的防火墙和 Windows ...

  7. 3 days ago · Alibaba Group Holding ’s online shopping app Taobao has made its one-hour delivery service hotkey on the platform’s homepage, as the tech giant tries to stake out a larger position in the...