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  1. 21 hours ago · The Office of Career Strategy works with students and alums of Yale College and Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as well as Yale postdoctoral scholars from all disciplines. The Office of Career Strategy advisors help students, alums, and postdocs to clarify career aspirations, identify opportunities, and offer support at every stage of ...

  2. 4 days ago · Yales Sheffield Scientific School, begun in the 1850s, was one of the leading scientific and engineering centres until 1956, when it merged with Yale College and ceased to exist. A graduate school of arts and sciences was organized in 1847, and a school of art was created in 1866.

  3. 5 days ago · As part of her role within the Learning Collaborative, she will connect with master's level social work programs across the state to provide education about early psychosis to graduate level social work students.

  4. 21 hours ago · Fostering Inclusion and Diversity, a 3-week online program by Yales renowned professors, delivers the skills leaders need to build more inclusive and diverse teams, leading to improved business outcomes with increased effectiveness and innovation.

  5. 5 days ago · At an annual Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) commencement event honoring trainees in the class of 2024 on June 21, 2024, some of the graduates’ future plans and next steps were shared. Highlights are included below, listed by training program.

  6. 5 days ago · Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 5. 5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570. Level 5 (Undergraduate) &. Level 6 (Graduate)

  7. 2 days ago · This program prepares students for interdisciplinary thinking before they begin their undergraduate education. During this intensive two-week program, students make connections between cutting-edge scientific research, popular culture, and contemporary arts.