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  1. 2 days ago · Mahathir defied Tunku Abdul Rahman’s governance and behind the scenes had criticised the Tunku and blamed him for being ‘soft’ on non-Malays. Attacking the Tunku was perhaps the first step of Malay disunity. Later, he would constantly attack the Malays for being lazy and untrustworthy. In his book, “The Malay Dilemma”, Mahathir ...

  2. 2 days ago · Hence, this article brings into focus the question of who the author of Malay Dilemma really is - whether he is truly a Malay or as alleged by Tawfik, merely using the Malays for his own agenda. No one can change ancestry

  3. 4 days ago · Semasa di luar parti, Tun Dr Mahathir mengarang buku “Dilema Melayu” (The Malay Dilemma). Buku kontroversi itu, yang mendedah dan menganalisis perwatakan orang Melayu telah diharamkan pada tahun 1970 dan pengharamannya hanya ditarik balik selepas Tun Dr Mahathir menjadi Perdana Menteri 18 tahun kemudiannya.

  4. 2 days ago · This fast-paced yet heartwarming novel takes us back to one of the darkest points in Malaysian history, reminding us that the kindness and grace we afford each other as humans transcend race, religion, and politics. 4. The Gift of Rain by Tan Twan Eng.

  5. 3 days ago · A Malaysian author (yet again!) who was longlisted for the Booker Prize for this tantalising novel set in 1920s Malaysia and (now) Singapore. These days I’ve been thinking a lot about what Singapore was like in the past, and this novel offered a great insight into that, even though the setting is only one part of an otherwise complex story.

  6. 4 days ago · Sultan Bolkiah proclaimed Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) or “Malay Islamic monarchy” as the ideology of the founding of the nation, and a monarchy based on powerful royal authority emerged. Although there was a Cabinet as an advisory body to the monarch, the sultan himself held the positions of prime minister, finance minister, and interior ...

  7. 2 days ago · Mahathir gained notoriety after his expulsion from UMNO by authoring The Malay Dilemma, a book promptly banned from Malaysia, which posited that the Malays are the definitive people of Malaysia, and thus deserved special rights as the sovereign people of the nation. It also controversially argued that the Malays needed affirmative action to ...