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  1. 4 days ago · The term heirs of God emphasizes our relationship to God the Father. As His children, we have “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade . . . kept in heaven” (1 Peter 1:4). The Greek term translated “heirs” in Romans 8:17 refers to “those who receive their allotted possession by right of sonship.”.

  2. 4 days ago · The children of God should be constantly reminded that their Father has chosen them and pre-ordained their lives even before the foundation of the world. Each and everyone who has heard the Gospel has been singularly picked out by God to come to faith, be given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and be confirmed in the love of God to eternity.

  3. 3 days ago · Christianity - Oneness, Father, Son: Faith in the Son also brought about a oneness with the Father. The Son became the mediator of the glory of the Father to those who believe in him.

  4. 1 day ago · As fathers, the role we play in our children’s lives is incomparable. We are called to be protectors, providers, and spiritual leaders, guiding them with wisdom and love.

  5. 5 days ago · Fathers and sons share a special bond that is beautifully illustrated in the Bible. God’s Word offers wisdom and guidance on these relationships, highlighting love, respect, and responsibility. Let’s explore some powerful Bible verses that reflect the strength and importance of this precious connection.

  6. › wiki › TrinityTrinity - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · According to Thomas Aquinas the Son prayed to the Father, became a minor to the angels, became incarnate, obeyed the Father as to his human nature; as to his divine nature the Son remained God: "Thus, then, the fact that the Father glorifies, raises up, and exalts the Son does not show that the Son is less than the Father, except in His human ...

  7. 4 days ago · What is important to understand during this period of salvation history is that the father of the family is a priest, and the prominence of the first-born son in the family.