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  1. 5 days ago · 現年35歲的MIRROR成員Frankie陳瑞輝皮皮早前成話題人物除被爆出軌風波其圈外女友Christy的黑歷史愈揭愈多。 日前,由黃德斌、余香凝、沈貞巧(Gao)、邱傲然 (Tiger) ,加上Frankie 亦有份主演的ViuTV 的新劇《麻甩媽咪》正拍攝得如火如荼,不過Frankie 就遲遲未開工,更與女友避走飛到泰國。 日前,Frankie 終於復工,並正式加入劇組。 日前Frankie ...

  2. 4 days ago · MIRROR成員陳瑞輝Frankie一直以來都是團隊中的門面擔當」,憑藉其高顏值贏得不少粉絲的心。 然而,近期他的女友Christy在Instagram上的言論和照片引起了廣泛的關注和討論,甚至有網民懷疑Frankie在背後偷吃,導致與長達14年的伴侶Hei分手。 自從這些消息爆出後,Frankie便鮮少公開露面,據悉他與女友一同前往泰國避風頭。 此外,他參與的ViuTV新劇《麻甩媽咪》也因為他的形象問題而被大幅刪減戲份。 不過,他的經理人Yu最近發文,似乎暗示Frankie已經恢復工作。 網友對改變後外貌反應激烈. 最近,童星王瑋程(Desmond)在Instagram的限時動態中分享了與Frankie的合照,這是Frankie自緋聞爆發後首次被公開的近照。

  3. 5 days ago · Since its debut in 2017, ‘Frankie Drake Mysteries’ has captivated audiences with its intriguing storylines, charismatic characters, and unique portrayal of the 1920s detective world. However, to the surprise and disappointment of many fans, the show was unexpectedly cancelled.

  4. 3 days ago · 男團MIRROR成員Frankie爆戀情後是非不斷一度被指遠走泰國避風頭更有傳他於新劇麻甩媽咪被刪戲份及後其經理人上載拍攝現場的照片並標籤了他力證他在港開工。 事隔多日,Frankie終於蒲頭,劇中飾演他兒子的童星王瑋程上載與他的開工照,向來是「顏值擔當」的他一頭亂髮、眼袋極深,加上面腫腫,不少網民直指認不出他。 第一手消息請下載on.cc東網 iPhone/ iPad/ Android/ Anson Lo無人機匯演賀生日. 勁賺630萬 宣萱持貨13年 2,300萬沽西貢豪宅. 本文連結 :娛樂/odn-20240706-0706_00282_045/Frankie久別「上水」腫咗. 人人做記者.

  5. 4 days ago · Frankie Bridge looked gorgeous in a halterneck gown from a small brand on day four of Wimbledon, but it was her quirky, Zendaya-inspired shoes that had everyone talking

  6. 4 days ago · NEW YORK (AP) — Frankie Montas smiled after a win at Yankee Stadium, the type of pitching performance that eluded him during his time in pinstripes. Montas ended a four-start winless streak, taking a shutout into the fifth against New York and allowing two runs over five-plus innings in the Cincinnati Reds’ 8-4 victory Thursday that ...

  7. 4 days ago · Despite it being a bittersweet moment for the family with the Labour party's landslide win, doting mother, Carrie Johnson, 36, took to social media with an adorable photo of her not-so-baby boy...