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  1. All information about the counterparty OOO "CHEBARKULSKAIA PTITSA" (Chelyabinsk Oblast, TIN 7420008157) to do due diligence at the requirement of the Federal Tax Service, a check of integrity, business reputation.

  2. The net assets of OOO "TRANSPORTNYE RESHENIIA" as of 12/31/2023 totaled 3 million RUB. The OOO "TRANSPORTNYE RESHENIIA"’s operation in 2023 resulted in the profit of 1.5 million RUB. This is by 3 times more than in 2022. The organization is not subject to special taxation regimes (operates under a common regime).

  3. Abstract. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was a pioneer of Russian critical realist literature and an important promoter of naturalism. Together with the works of Pushkin, his works laid the foundation of Russian critical realist literature in the nineteenth century.

  4. Николай Васильевич Гоголь прізвище при народженні Яно́вський, з 1821 року — Го́голь-Яно́вський; 20 березня [ 1 квітня] 1809 року, Сорочинці, Миргородський повіт, Полтавська губернія, Російська імперія — 21 лютого [ 4 березня] 1852 року, Москва, Російська імперія ) — російський письменник українського походження [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13...

  5. Google Scholar is a Google search engine that indexes academic-type material, so it's a great starting point for any academic search.

  6. Objective. In this document, we will look into how to use the Address Validation API in Google Sheets in order to test the service in a quick and light way.

  7. Bassezze e splendori di Pietroburgo. Gogol’ arriva a Pietroburgo proveniendo dalla Russia rurale, dall’ambiente borghese di provincia e si trova improvvisamente catapultato nella rutilante atmosfera della nuova capitale dell’impero russo.