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  1. 5 days ago · Terry Winograd; Published in Cognitive Sciences 1 July 1980; Linguistics; In its earliest drafts, this paper was a structured argument, presenting a comprehensive ...

  2. 5 days ago · In this two-phase research using a Wizard-of-Oz approach, we aim to investigate the role of gestures in VUI interactions and explore their design space. In an initial exploratory user study with six participants, we identify influential factors for VUI gestures and establish an initial design space.

  3. 4 days ago · The ARC-AGI benchmark provides a clear contrast to a previous challenge of intelligence called the Winograd Schema. Named after a pair of ambiguous sentences formulated by Stanford professor Terry Winograd (who, by the way, taught Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page), the schema was proposed in 2012 by Hector Levesque as an alternative ...

  4. 5 days ago · Abstract. Examining the taken-for-granted assumptions and views of the world underlying the design of technological artifacts, this work posits that a lack of ontological self-reflection can constrain imagination, impeding movement toward a world of many worlds. I propose ontological breakdown as an analytic lens for interrogating the default ...

  5. 5 days ago · We then describe a new predictive toolkit, leveraging Fuzzy Widgets, or “Fidgets” as the main UI building block. Fidgets extend Responsive Design into the realm of intelligent systems, to adapt not only to spatial constraints, but to system predictions as well.

  6. 2 days ago · These chatbots could handle simple customer service inquiries, answer frequently asked questions, and offer basic troubleshooting steps. SHRDLU, developed in the 1970s by Terry Winograd, was an early example of a chatbot that could understand and respond to natural language queries within a specific domain (a virtual world with virtual objects).

  7. 3 days ago · Also in 1968, Terry Winograd creates the first natural language computer program, SHRDLU. The Quiet Revolution: The Era of Expert Systems in the 1970s In the 1970s, AI shifted its focus from symbolic reasoning to more practical applications, such as expert systems and natural language processing .