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  1. Oct 13, 2019 · 乍看译名以为又是一部警匪动作题材影片,细看英文原名却是另外一番光景:unthinkable,不可想象。也许只有看过的人,才能体会这个词的残酷含义,一如电影海报上那个背对镜头的溅血身影。 选择:危狱惊情还是道德困境?

  2. Jun 15, 2010 · 战略特勤组. 这句台词引用了美国的一个著名的梗: 在美国,如果你说你来自Military Intelligence(军事情报部门),对方往往会说这是一个Oxymoron或者Contradiction,即自相矛盾的词。. 在人际交往过程当中,只要是想要亲密的关系,除开浑然天成性格相似相吸之外 ...

  3. Apr 17, 2019 · In his Seminar IV, "La relation d'objet", Lacan argues that the concepts of "Law" and "Structure" are unthinkable without language—thus the Symbolic is a linguistic dimension. This order is not equivalent to language, however, since language involves the Imaginary and the Real as well. The dimension proper to language in the Symbolic is that of the

  4. 不可想象的行动(Operation Unthinkable) 是西方国家二战结束后进攻苏联的计划代号。 该计划首先由英国首相丘吉尔在1945年提出,再由英国军方联合作战部在二战末期详细制订。

  5. 简介. 前美军特种部队炸弹专家史蒂芬·阿瑟·杨格(麦克·辛 饰)正走向一条危险之途,作为穆斯林他不满美国对待阿拉伯国家的政策,于是策划发动恐怖袭击。. 他宣称在三个城市中分别安放了三颗小型原子弹,美国本土危在旦夕。. FBI反恐部门女探员海伦· ...

  6. 简介. 1918. As the Armistice bells rang out across the world to celebrate the end of World War One, a silent killer made its way home with the soldiers - Spanish Flu. This devastating global pandemic infected up to a third of the world’s population and killed more than 50 million people. Now, using compelling eyewitness testimony from ...

  7. When I think about my own presentation at the Bernabeu since - as were 20,000 fans , although I had not yet played a second for real . Such a thing is unthinkable in Germany . In Spain the football mentality of the fans is even more emotional . 下面是我从网上摘抄的两段翻译:(来源为百度贴吧的. DYZnorthstar tanteoma

  8. Jun 9, 2020 · think the unthinkable 那一年去勃艮第,跟着一老头下地窖喝了喝几个年份的黑皮诺,老头说一般人他不带下来,喝着吧有点意思。 问这酒庄卖不卖?

  9. 可以举些例子吗. 谢邀,当然不是虚拟语气啦。 是由从属连接词as引导的部分倒装的让步状语从句。

  10. Sep 25, 2014 · One trend in bike technology for 2013 is the advent of wider rims and tyres and, accompanying this, the progress of clincher tyres. It’s common to see 25mm width tyres on team bikes today, something that was unthinkable a few years ago. As background it was long thought that the narrower the tyre, the faster it was. Especially when riders ...

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