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  1. 1 day ago · The hope is that we can get closer to the novels that Austen wanted us to read. Jane Austen, the Secret Radical by Helena Kelly is out now (Icon Books, £10.99). You can buy it from The Big Issue shop on, which helps to support The Big Issue and independent bookshops.

  2. 20 hours ago · The Gothic style is characterised by features like stained-glass, flying buttresses and spires, giving buildings built in the Gothic style (particularly churches and abbeys), a slightly spooky and sinister silhouette. The Notre-Dame in Paris is a famous example. The Gothic genre of fiction takes its name from the fact that many Gothic novels ...

  3. 20 hours ago · My Jane Austen journals are also illustrated with photographs and ephemera. Jane Austen in the Thames Valley sort of materialised unintentionally and then I wanted to share my discoveries with my Jane Austen friends. Two successful publications encouraged me to submit the book to [publishers] Austin Macauley.”

  4. 4 days ago · Villains in Austen’s novels invariably share the lifestyle of the Prince Regent’s inner circle — fashionable, prodigal and loose in their sexual morals. Marriage might appeal to them, but romantic relationships are largely a flirtatious game that may well end in sin, with family life, as a whole, of little interest.

  5. 4 days ago · In Jane Austen's novels, the act of reading is not merely a solitary pursuit but a dynamic interaction between the individual and the broader cultural landscape. Literature serves as a mirror, reflecting characters' values, beliefs, and aspirations. It also acts as a catalyst, sparking personal growth and transformation.

  6. 1 day ago · Surprisingly, Charlotte would have balked at any comparison, being no Austen fan herself. According to James Edward Austen-Leigh, nephew of Jane Austen: “No two writers could be more unlike each other than Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë; so much so that the latter was unable to understand why the former was admired, and confessed that she ...

  7. 4 days ago · Property was central to the lives of Jane Austen and her heroines. In her book, Women and Property Ownership in Jane Austen, Rita J. Dashwood argues that these relationships to property should be r...