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  1. 3 days ago · Atome Financial is part of Singapore-headquartered Advance Intelligence Group, which is backed by top tier investors such as SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Warburg Pincus, Northstar and Singapore-based global investor EDBI.

  2. 3 days ago · It raised over $400 million in its latest funding round led by SoftBank Vision 2 Fund and Warburg Pincus, reaching a valuation exceeding $2 billion. Nium Formerly known as Instarem, Nium is an embedded finance startup that serves banks, payment providers, and businesses globally.

  3. 3 days ago · Eine Reihe von Verlusten im Investmentarm Vision Fund führte dazu, dass der japanische Technologiemogul in den „Verteidigungsmodus“ wechselte und eine konservativere Investitionsstrategie verfolgte. Jetzt scheint es wirklich, dass SoftBank, das Milliarden von Dollar in seiner Kriegskasse hat, bereit ist, in vollem Umfang in KI zu investieren.

  4. 3 days ago · The unstoppable march of the mega caps, sloth-like central bank pivots, political palpitations aplenty and M&A is back - the first half of 2024 has been another whirlwind in world markets. ...

  5. 3 days ago · Financing Background Aleo completed a US$28 million Series A financing led by a16z in 2021, and a US$200 million Series B financing in 2024. Investors include Kora Management, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Tiger Global, Sea Capital, Slow Ventures and Samsung Next, among others. The funding round values Aleo at $1.45 billion.

  6. 3 days ago · Aleo 于 2021 年完成由 a16z 投的 2800 万美元的 A 轮融资,并在 2024 年完成 2 轮 B 轮融资,投资方包括 Kora Management、SoftBank Vision Fund 2、Tiger Global、Sea Capital、Slow Ventures 和 Samsung Next 等。这轮融资使 Aleo 的估值达到了 14.5 亿美元。 项目概要 隐私性

  7. 3 days ago · Жилийн өмнө Америкийн ерөнхийлөгчийн хүү Монголд ирж маш ховор Монгол Алтайн угалз агнаад явсан. Түүний араас тус улсын чинээлэг иргэд ховор ангийн агнуур хийхээр манайхыг зорих болжээ. Тэдний нэг болох шүдний эмч ...