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  1. The demographics of Malaysia are represented by the multiple ethnic groups that exist in the country. Malaysia's population, according to the 2010 census, is 28,334,000 including non-citizens, which makes it the 42nd most populated country in the world. [1]

  2. May 15, 2024 · The largest group of Malaysians consist of three main races, namely the Malays, Chinese and Indians. Orang Asli are the natives in Peninsular Malaysia and is generally divided into three major groups, namely the Negrito, Senoi and Proto-Malay.

  3. Jul 18, 2019 · Malaysia is a Southeastern Asian country that is multiracial, with many different ethnic groups living in the country. These include Malays, Chinese, Indians, and other indigenous Bumiputra groups.

  4. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, with a predominantly Muslim population. Racial discrimination is embodied within the social and economic policies of the Malaysian government, favouring the Malays and in principle, the natives of Sabah and Sarawak.

  5. Sep 13, 2023 · As of July 2023, 70.1 percent of the Malaysian population were classified as Bumiputera, 22.6 percent were classified as ethnic Chinese, and 6.6 percent as ethnic Indians.

  6. Jul 7, 2024 · The people of Malaysia are unevenly distributed between Peninsular and East Malaysia, with the vast majority living in Peninsular Malaysia. The population shows great ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and religious diversity.

  7. › download › Malaysia-Racial-Discrimination-Report-2021MALAYSIA RACIAL - Pusat KOMAS

    nd communities. The Malaysia Racial Discrimination Report 2021 is an initiative by Pusat KOMAS to document and record the incidents of racial discrimination that have taken pl ce in Malaysia. This seventh annual documentation is crucial in combating the problems of racism, racial discrimination and xenopho

  8. Sep 25, 2019 · In the event of the worst, everyone will suffer, as fire does not distinguish race or religion. There will be no winners, only the ashes of the power-hungry. Identity politics has turned inflammatory as Malaysia’s former ruling party tries to claw back support.

  9. Dec 2, 2021 · In his inaugural speech as prime minister on 22 Aug. 2021, Ismail Sabri introduced the policy of Keluarga Malaysia (‘Malaysian Family’) as an ‘inclusive concept that cuts across religious, ethnic and racial boundaries and invites Malaysians to come together as a unified family’ (Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia, ‘Keluarga Malaysia ...

  10. Feb 17, 2015 · New transitions – and tensions – in Malaysian society have created a much-needed space for critical reflection on the meaning of race. They have also provided the impetus to rethink the dominant paradigm shaping Malaysian studies.

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