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  1. As part of her requirements for graduation, she wrote a sociology thesis, entitled Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community. [46] [47] She researched her thesis by sending a questionnaire to African-American graduates, asking that they specify when and how comfortable they were with their race prior to their enrollment at Princeton and ...

  2. Other proposals imagine collaborative assignments that foster community. In order to encourage deeper engagement with the course materials and create an intellectual community within the classroom, Assistant Professor of African American Studies Reena Goldthree will implement the social annotation tool Hypothesis in Modern Caribbean History ...

  3. According to the White House, the schools have educated 40% of all Black engineers in the county, 50% of all Black lawyers, 70% of Black doctors and an astonishing 80% of Black judges. Among those ...

  4. Racial segregation was a system derived from the efforts of white Americans to keep African Americans in a subordinate status by denying them equal access to public facilities and ensuring that blacks lived apart from whites.

  5. A master’s student described Black community spaces as spaces of “Black life making … [an] environment for Black people to succeed.” Participants shared that Black-affirming academic community spaces are centres of peer-to-peer support, which studies show promotes academic success.

  6. In the South, where African Americans had lived on the metropolitan fringes for decades, developers built more than 200,000 new homes and apartments by 1960. In many cities, explicit planning for “Negro expansion areas” preserved access to places where blacks could move without upsetting segregation or provoking violence.

  7. Blacks relished the prospect of receiving the benefits of their own labor. But the vast majority of blacks emerged from slavery lacking the ability to buy land and confronted by a white community opposed to extending credit to blacks or to selling them property.