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  1. 3 days ago · Background and Causes: The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 was sparked by longstanding tensions between France and Prussia over territorial disputes and the balance of power in Europe. Bismarck's ambition to unify Germany under Prussian leadership, combined with Napoleon III's desire to assert French dominance, led to a series of diplomatic ...

  2. Jul 1, 2024 · Germany - Unification, Bismarck, Prussia: Until his resignation in 1890, Bismarck had a relatively free hand in the conduct of foreign policy. After three successful wars, he saw his task as promoting peace and gaining time so that a powerful German Empire in the middle of Europe would come to be accepted as natural rather than as an interloper.

  3. 3 days ago · From its origins in 1871, the empire was governed under the constitution designed four years earlier by Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian prime minister, for the North German Confederation. This constitution reflected the predominantly rural nature of Germany in 1867 and the authoritarian proclivities of Bismarck , who was a member of the Junker ...

  4. 1 day ago · After the resignation of Otto von Bismarck in 1890, and Wilhelm II's refusal to recall him to office, the empire embarked on Weltpolitik ("world politics") – a bellicose new course that ultimately contributed to the outbreak of World War I. Bismarck's successors were incapable of maintaining their predecessor's complex, shifting, and ...

  5. 4 days ago · Germany - Imperialism, Unification, Bismarck: The political structure established by Bismarck in 1867 remained with scant change until the empire’s demise in 1918. Leo, Graf (count) von Caprivi, Bismarck’s successor, was a political neophyte, having spent his entire career in the military.

  6. 2 days ago · Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen (Schönhausen, 1 april 1815 – Friedrichsruh, 30 juli 1898), vanaf 1865 graaf, vanaf 1871 vorst von Bismarck, vanaf 1890 hertog zu Lauenburg, was een Duits 19e-eeuws staatsman en een dominant figuur in de wereldgeschiedenis.

  7. 6 days ago · Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen; 1 квітня 1815 — 30 липня 1898 ) — німецький державний і політичний діяч. Прем'єр-міністр Пруссії ( 1862 – 1890 ), бундесканцлер Північнонімецького союзу ( 1867 – 1871 ), перший райхсканцлер Німецької імперії ( 1871 – 1890 ).