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  1. Zhejiang Wanli University (ZWU), situated in Ningbo, covers a total area of 95 hectares and consists of Qianhu Campus, Huilong Campus and Zhashan Base. ZWU has most beautiful human-orientated...

  2. 媒体万里. MORE >. 《甬派》全国150所高校417支参赛队伍,齐聚甬城!. 《凤凰新闻》这个生命科学领域的国家级竞赛在浙江万里学院举办. 《中国新闻网》浙江高校学子“爆改”乡村 用创意筑梦乡野. 《学习强国》高校圈丨7天18对“村民合伙人”!. 大学生实践队 ...

  3. Zhejiang Wanli University is a provincial undergraduate university with a history of 73 years. It was formerly Ningbo Agricultural College, the Ningbo Branch of Zhejiang Agricultural...

  4. Zhejiang Wanli University (浙江万里学院; 'Zhejiang Wanli College'), formerly the Ningbo Branch of Zhejiang Agricultural University (浙江农业大学宁波分校), is a private college in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. The college is operated by the private Zhejiang Wanli Education Group Company.

  5. 浙江万里学院Zhejiang Wanli University),位于 浙江省 宁波市 ,中国第一所国有改制高校,由 浙江省万里教育集团 举办,试行民办学校运行机制,由 浙江省教育厅 主管;是“公办高校实行新的管理模式和运行机制”的新型高校,是 硕士学位授予单位 、试点单位 ...

  6. Ada Chang,International College, Zhejiang Wanli University No.8 South Qianhu Road, Ningbo, China 315100 Tel:0086-574-88222032 0086-574-88222047. Or submit scanned application materials to following email address: (Ada) ...

  7. 浙江万里学院是一所具有74年办学历史的省属普通本科高校经历过浙江农业大学宁波分校浙江农村技术师范专科学校等办学阶段。 1999年,经教育部批准成为“公办高校实行新的管理模式和运行机制”的新型高校,被教育专家誉为“中国特色现代大学制度的范例性实践”。

  8. Zhejiang Wanli University (ZWU), situated in Ningbo, covers a total area of 95 hectares and consists of Qianhu Campus, Huilong Campus, and Zhashan Base. ZWU has most beautiful human-orientated campuses, green and well-equipped, widely recognized by people in educational circles.

  9. 学部概况 – 浙江万里学院中德品牌学部. About Faculty. Sino-German Faculty of Branding. Zhejiang Wanli University deeply introduced the education and teaching resources of Brand University of Applied Sciences...

  10. About Zhejiang Wanli University. Zhejiang Wanli University is a state-owned provincial general undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education, which charges tuition fees...