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  1. Oct 11, 2021 · The Showtime docuseries “Buried” re-examines the 1969 murder of Susan Nasonwhich Eileen Franklin claimed was committed by her father George, in a memory she’d long repressed.

  2. Dec 21, 2022 · George Franklin (AP/Wide World Photos) In September 1969, an 8-year-old girl disappeared in Foster City, California. Her body was found three months later, a few miles from her home.

  3. Oct 9, 2021 · George Franklin was accused of raping and killing 8-year-old Susan Nason in 1969 by his daughter Eileen, who claimed to have repressed memories of the crime. He was convicted and imprisoned, but later released after an appeal based on flawed evidence and contradictory news reports.

  4. Oct 11, 2021 · George Franklin was wrongfully convicted of killing his daughter's friend Susan Nason in 1990 based on Eileen's repressed memory. He was released in 1996 and sued his daughter and her therapists, but lost the case.

  5. Oct 9, 2021 · George Franklin was convicted and later exonerated for the 1969 killing of 8-year-old Susan Nason, based on his daughter Eileen's recovered memory. The case sparked a debate about the reliability of repressed memory and the use of hypnosis in court.

  6. George Franklin was convicted of murdering Susan Nason in 1969 based on his daughter's repressed memory testimony. The conviction was overturned on appeal in 1995 due to the trial court's exclusion of evidence and violation of his rights.

  7. Oct 11, 2021 · George Franklin was convicted of killing eight-year-old Susan Nason in 1990 based on his daughter's recovered memory. He was released in 1996 after a federal judge ruled that the trial was unfair and the prosecutors withheld evidence.