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  1. Jun 27, 2024 · Ирина Владимировна сыграла маму Майора, которого из очередной боевой командировки дожидаются сразу три женщины (их в радиостудии воплотили Серафима Огарёва, Роза Шмуклер и Александра Кессельман). Пьеса-притча «Доныне, после и теперь» является призёром Всероссийского конкурса «Новое время.

  2. 6 days ago · Marina Muravyova is the second wife of Oleg Gazmanov. Today on Instagram she is an active user and often exposes photographs of her happy family - children and the legendary husband. This is not only a beautiful, smart, but also a very wise woman.

  3. Jun 22, 2024 · Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears. Moskwa nie wierzy lzom. **************************. Country: Russia. Dir: Vladimir Menshov. Cast: Vera Alentova, Irina Muravyova, Aleksei Batalov. --------------------------------------------------------. Designer: Jakub Erol. Year of print: 1980.

  4. Jun 17, 2024 · Irinel Columbeanu a fost foarte emoționat să își strângă fiica în brațe după 6 ani în care nu a mai văzut-o. Fostul milionar a făcut un gest impresionant pentru Irina, care a venit din SUA special pentru a petrece timp cu tatăl ei.

  5. Jun 13, 2024 · Athletistic/ Figure skating. Recently, the events taking place at Plushenko's Angels Academy have often been discussed. Evgeni Plushenko plans to organize a large-scale exhibition in the cities of Russia and neighboring countries. The shows will take place from September to November. Many expected that the main athlete of the group…

  6. Jul 5, 2024 · Ruska državljanka Irina Tereh saopštila je danas da joj je rešenjem policijske uprave u Šapcu odbijen zahtev za privremeni boravak u Srbiji, koji je tražila na osnovu prava spajanja porodice sa njenim maloletnim sinom Markom, koji ima dozvolu za boravak u Srbiji na tri godine.

  7. Jun 28, 2024 · Meet doctor Irina Murakhovskaya, MD, a Montefiore Einstein provider in the Department of Oncology who specializes in Hematology.