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  1. Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section has produced phenomenal GCSE / IGCSE results in the 2022-2023 academic year. The examination pass rate was 98 %, with 82.1 % of our students attaining A*- C / 9 - 4 grades.

  2. Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section, or KCCIS (Chinese: 蘇浙公學國際部) by G.N.A.A is a private bilingual school in Hong Kong that teaches both English and Mandarin. Students pursue their career through the IGCSE syllabus in Years 10–11 and the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12–13.

  3. 蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College. 辦學宗旨以中國固有文化的精髓作培育學生品德的指標體現整齊嚴肅的做事做人生活態度並在中英並重文理並重及升學與就業並重的原則下提供均衡教育


    School Highlights. Latest News. Congratulations to our F.6 students who have achieved outstanding results in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination 2024!

  5. Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) 頁首選單 TopMenu 首頁 Home; 天氣資訊 Weather Info; 入學申請 Admissions; 聯絡我們 Contact Us; 主選單 ...

  6. 2024-07-22 (Monday) School NewsLetter. School Profile. (2017-2018) English Musical Theatre. Brochure Of Learning. English At KCCKC.

  7. Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section (Secondary) is an English-medium international school run by the local school of the same name. Teaching follows a modified version of the National Curriculum for England, and senior students study for IGCSEs and then the IB Diploma Programme.