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  1. › wiki › Mao_BangchuMao Bangchu - Wikipedia

    Mao Bangchu or Mow Pang Tzu (Chinese: 毛邦初; also transcribed as Mow Pang Tsu, Mow Pong Tsu, or Mow Pang Chu; 5 March 1904 – 22 June 1987) was a high-ranking military officer in the Chinese Chiang Kai-shek government. He was the main figure in an embezzlement scandal that pitched him against the Taiwan government in the early fifties.

  2. It seemed inevitable that Mao Zedong’s troops would invade Taiwan and absorb it into the People’s Republic of China. But the outbreak of war on the Korean Peninsula in June, scholars agree, changed everything.

  3. 毛邦初 (1904年3月5日—1987年6月22日),生於 上海 , 中華民國 军政要人,曾官拜 空军 副司令, 籍貫 浙江 奉化 ,是 毛福梅 ( 蔣中正 原配)同宗侄子輩但與蔣介石來往甚密如同己出,抗日戰爭擊敗 日本軍 航空部隊,是當時代中國空軍英雄,38年後駐美國軍事代表採購團空軍團長,與孔令杰任陸軍團長均負責擔任軍油及武器材採購,後因貪汙案被撤職查辦捲款逃避墨西哥被當地政府逮捕入獄,官司審判而滯留美國到逝世。 經歷. 毛邦初1904年出生于上海,早年隨父在上海美孚洋行工作。 1925年1月去投考黄埔军校,30年代廣州黃埔陸軍官校三期步科學生期間就參與討閥桂系軍戰績,畢業後再轉中國交通科技學校學習無線電發報機專長。 中華民國政府選派,先入 蘇聯中山大學 空军,后赴意大利学習飛行。

  4. › wiki › The_HumpThe Hump - Wikipedia

    Chinese Air Force Major General Mao Bangchu was tasked with leading the exploration of suitable air-routes over the dangerous Himalayas in 1941, and CNAC pilot Xia Pu recorded the first flight from Dinjan, India, to Kunming, China, during November of that year in what was to become the route now known as "the Hump".

  5. Mao Bangchu, the operational head of the CAF, also published an article under his name in Air Magazine that stressed the importance of building up an air force that could provide air cover and support ground operations. 111

  6. This is a brief biographical sketch of the military career of Major-General Mao Bangchu. He was a general during World War Two.

  7. Mao Bangchu or Mow Pang Tzu (Chinese: 毛邦初; also transcribed as Mow Pang Tsu, Mow Pong Tsu, or Mow Pang Chu; 5 March 1904 – 22 June 1987) was a high-ranking military officer in the Chinese Chiang Kai-shek government.