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  1. Alberto Braniff Ricard (8 December 1886 – 17 September 1966) was a Mexican pioneering airplane pilot. He is considered the second aviator in Latin America, however the first born in Latin America. Life and career. Braniff was born in Mexico City into a wealthy and powerful family during the Porfiriato.

  2. Alberto Braniff (1884-1966) fue un aeronauta mexicano. Se le considera el primer aviador de Hispanoamérica. Orígenes. El primer vuelo en Latinoamérica. Braniff nació en 1884, miembro de una poderosa familia en México durante la época del desarrollo industrial del país.

  3. Jul 10, 2020 · On January 8, 1910, Alberto Braniff successfully made Mexico’s first flight–all 500 meters of it–in a 60-horsepower Voisin biplane, taking off from the Balbuena field in Mexico City. Alberto Braniff was the son of industrialist and railroad entrepreneur Thomas Braniff.

  4. Oct 14, 2021 · Alberto Braniff made the first heavier-than-air flight in Mexico in 1910, simultaneously earning an altitude record due to the elevation of Mexico City. The Moisant International Aviators, an American-based multinational flying exhibition group led by Alfred Moisant and sister Matilde, made their first appearance in Mexico in February 1911. [1]

  5. The aviator Alberto Braniff, on board a Voisin aeroplane, is about to takeoff. It is the first time that such a flight has been made in the Mexican Republic. Ciudad de México, 8 de Enero de 1910. El aviádor Alberto Braniff, a bordo de un aereoplano Voisin, se dispone a alavarse.

  6. La vida del intrépido piloto Alberto Braniff llegó a su fin un 16 de septiembre de 1966, a quien recordamos como un pionero de la aviación mexicana que puso en alto el nombre de México con sus memorables hazañas. Acerca de la Sociedad Mexicana de Estudios Aeronáuticos Latinoamericanos.

  7. Back in Mexico in 1910, Alberto Braniff made his first short flight in a Voisin Airplane, with a 50 H.P. E.N.V engine, using as a runway the Balbuena Plains in Mexico City. Not only was this the first flight in Mexico, most believe it was the first flight in Central or South America.