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  1. The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (HSNU; Traditional Chinese: 國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學, 附中, 師大附中) is a Taiwanese senior high school (or "high school," as opposed to "middle school" in certain usages). It is ranked top 2 among all the senior high schools in Taiwan, usually with a ...

  2. 師大附中首頁提供學校歷史、教師專業發展計畫和新生入學系統等相關資訊。

  3. 首頁 - english - 國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學. ABOUT HSNU. Introduction. Mission Statement. Facts at a Glance. Traditions & Spirits. STUDENT LIFE. Campus Events. The Commencement Ceremony.

  4. Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, known as HSNU, is one of the highest ranking high schools in Taiwan. The competition to get into HSNU is fierce, as the High School Entrance Exam scores of admitted students typically are in the top 3% in the country.

  5. 國立台灣師範大學附屬高級中學The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University,簡稱為師大附中,附中,或英文縮寫HSNU),位於台北市大安區信義路三段143號,是台北(或甚至全台灣)的諸多公立高級中學裡,排名前幾名的知名學校。

  6. The university also runs the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, a daughter institution for secondary-school students in Taiwan. University alliances. NTNU is affiliated with National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as part of the National Taiwan University System (NTUS).

  7. Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, known as HSNU, is one of the highest ranking high schools in Taiwan. The competition to get into HSNU is fierce, as the High School Entrance Exam scores of admitted students typically are in the top 3% in the country.