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  1. Holy Family Canossian College. Music Gala. 2023-2024. As the school year drew to a close, our students put on a spectacular end-of-year Music Gala in the School Hall on 10 July 2024, showcasing their diverse talents in music and dance. Learn more. Our Alumna - Norris Wong.

  2. 4 days ago · Interface between junior secondary level and senior secondary level. Our comprehensive junior form curriculum covers all learning elements of humanities, science and technology education, through which students build a solid academic foundation to prepare for their learning at senior levels.

  3. 嘉諾撒聖家書院 Holy Family Canossian College. 辦學宗旨:發揚基督的價值觀,提供積極的學習環境,鼓勵學生認識自己,成為有愛心及進取的人;培養學生終身學習的能力,提高他們對社會、祖國的責任感及歸屬感。 學校位置 :九龍城區 › 九龍延文禮士道33號。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 資助、女校、天主教;位於九龍城區. 香港有 360 間資助中學,佔整體約 78%;香港有 41 間女子中學,佔整體約 9%;香港有 88 間天主教中學,佔整體約 19%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 創校歷史. 1972 年創立,辦學團體:嘉諾撒仁愛女修會. 校訓:同繫於愛 United in Love。 學校校徽 。 教學情況.

  4. 嘉諾撒聖家書院英語: Holy Family Canossian College ,縮寫:HFCC)是意大利 嘉諾撒仁愛女修會(英語: Canossian Sisters )於1972年所創辦的一所天主教 津貼 女子中學,現為香港114間英文中學之一,位於香港 九龍城區,校址為九龍仔 延文禮士道33號,鄰近九龍城。

  5. Visit the Holy Family Canossian College Facebook page for updates and information about the school community.

  6. Holy Family Canossian College - Discover the ultimate school search platform! Explore all Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary schools across Hong Kong 18 districts. Find detailed school information, nearby real estate listings, and up-to-date news and trends in your preferred school districts.