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  1. 成就 Achievement. Penang Chess Association (PCA) Chess Team Arena. 10 Apr 2024 School Admin - SMJK PEREMPUAN CHINA PULAU PINANG. Competition: Penang Chess Association (PCA) Chess Team Arena Date: 31/3/2024 恭喜登上18岁以下棋界女王宝座!. Congratulations!

  2. 最新学校讯息 Latest School News. 【2023 “多彩世界” 国际青少年绘画邀请展】. 18 Dec 2023 School Admin - SMJK PEREMPUAN CHINA PULAU PINANG. 『国际作品』少年组『13~18岁』 61个国家4.3万青少年入围!. 恭喜本校中三生 曾楹婷 以其作品 《马来西亚槟城文化遗产》成功荣获全球 ...

  3. Often referred to as "Bin Hua" ( Chinese: 檳華; pinyin: Bīn huá; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Pin-hôa) among the local Chinese community in Penang, the school provides continuous education, ranging from pre-primary or kindergarten to pre-university studies.

  4. Presently, Penang Chinese Girls’ High School, Penang Chinese GirlsSecondary (Private), Penang Chinese Girls’ Primary School and Penang Chinese Girls’ Kindergarten are seamlessly magnificent and well-equipped with varied infrastructure on the school grounds.

  5. Penang Chinese Girls' Private High School (槟华女子独立中学), Penang, Malaysia. 6,447 likes · 448 talking about this · 3,824 were here....

  6. Penang Chinese Girls' Private High School is a private high school in Penang, Malaysia. It is one of the Chinese independent high schools in Malaysia. It offers a 6-year course that allow students to take either an internationally recognised examination, the UEC, or the Malaysian government exam, PMR and SPM .

  7. Penang Chinese High School is a secondary school in Penang, Malaysia. Often referred to as "Bīn huá" among the local Chinese community in Penang. The school provides continuous education,...