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  1. Jean-Pierre Serre (French:; born 15 September 1926) is a French mathematician who has made contributions to algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1954, the Wolf Prize in 2000 and the inaugural Abel Prize in 2003.

  2. -皮埃尔·塞尔(法文:Jean-Pierre Serre),1926年9月15日出生于法国东比利牛斯省巴格斯,数学家, 菲尔茨奖 获得者, 美国艺术与科学院 外籍院士,法国国家科学院院士,荷兰皇家艺术与科学院外籍院士, 美国国家科学院 外籍院士, 瑞典皇家科学院 外籍院士 ...

  3. -皮耶·塞爾(法語: Jean-Pierre Serre ,1926年9月15日 — ),法國數學家,主要貢獻的領域是拓撲學、代數幾何與數論。 他曾獲頒許多數學獎項,包括1954年獲得 菲爾茲獎 、2000年的 沃爾夫數學獎 與2003年的 阿貝爾獎 。

  4. Apr 17, 2024 · -皮埃尔·塞尔(法语: Jean-Pierre Serre ,1926年9月15日 — ),法国数学家,主要贡献的领域是拓扑学、代数几何与数论。 他曾获颁许多数学奖项,包括1954年获得 菲尔兹奖 、2000年的 沃尔夫数学奖 与2003年的 阿贝尔奖 。

  5. Jean-Pierre Serre (born September 15, 1926, Bages, France) is a French mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1954 for his work in algebraic topology. In 2003, he was awarded the first Abel Prize by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

  6. Jean-Pierre Serre is a French mathematician who has made important contributions to algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and algebraic number theory. He was a member of Bourbaki. Skip to content

  7. 2003: Jean-Pierre Serre. Collège de France, France. "for playing a key role in shaping the modern form of many parts of mathematics, including topology, algebraic geometry and number theory".

  8. Jean-Pierre Serre. From the Abel Prize: "Serre developed revolutionary algebraic methods for studying topology, and in particular studied the transformations between spheres of higher dimensions. He is responsible for a spectacular clarification of the work of the Italian algebraic geometers by introducing and developing the right algebraic ...

  9. Interview with Jean-Pierre Serre. Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. The interviewers were Martin Raussen, Aalborg University, Denmark; and Christian Skau, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. This interview took place in Oslo on June 2, 2003, during the Abel Prize celebrations.

  10. Jean-Pierre Serre est l’un des plus grands mathématiciens du XXe siècle. Peu connu du grand public, il cumule pourtant les titres prestigieux. Elève à l’École normale supérieure, il est reçu premier à l’agrégation de mathématiques en 1948.