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  1. Nanjing Tech University has a history of more than one hundred years as a cradle of education. It is one of the first batch of 14 universities of the Higher Education Innovative Capacity...

  2. 南京工业大学. 学校与南京江北新区举行校地融合发展战... 7月18日,南京江北新区——南京工业大学校地融合发展战略合作签约仪式在江浦校区弘毅楼报告厅举行。. 省委教育工委副书记、省教育厅党组... 校领导开展暑期安全专项检查并慰问在校... 7月16日,校 ...

  3. 南京工业大学(Nanjing Tech University),简称“南工”或“南工大”,是一所全日制普通本科高校,位于江苏省南京市,由江苏省主管,由国家国防科技工业局、住房和城乡建设部与江苏省人民政府共建高校,是江苏高水平大学建设高峰计划A类建设高校、江苏省 ...

  4. Undergraduate Education. Graduate Education. The mission of NanjingTech is to advance knowledge and to educate "Engineers of Excellence". Students are learning theoretical knowledge and practical...

  5. Nanjing Tech University (南京工业大学) is a provincial public technological university in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. It is affiliated with the Province of Jiangsu.