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  1. Sep 26, 2021 · 1. Download Intel® Quartus® II software, and any other software products you want to install, into a temporary directory. 2. Download device support files into the same directory as the Intel® Quartus® II software installation file. 3.

  2. Nov 13, 2017 · 32-bit standalone programmer is only supported in standard edition. So if you use a PAID version of the tools it appears a 32b version of the standalone programmer tool is supported. Otherwise it appears you must use 13.0sp1 or earlier to get a free 32b programmer tool. 0 Kudos.

  3. Altera Quartus is a design software produced by Intel (formerly Altera) for programmable logic devices. It allows engineers to design, analyze, optimize, and program Intel FPGAs, CPLDs, and SoCs using system-level design techniques and advanced place-and-route algorithms.

  4. This is a step by step walk through of how to set-up and use Quartus software and upload it to the Altera Cyclone FPGA. Done as a primer for my school's(Ivy Tech CC) Digital Fundementals EECT122 course.

  5. Apr 24, 2011 · It appears Altera no longer supports downloading of previous versions directly from the web site. I created a support ticket asking for 8.1 and it's taking a few days for them to reply. I get more and more disappointed in Altera every release.

  6. Apr 18, 2022 · Altera used to leave all the older versions available for download, but after the transition to Intel the policy is now to deprecate most older software. Is there some reason you need exactly 14.1sp1?

  7. Mar 25, 2019 · Quartus uses ModelSim (Altera Edition) to perform simulation. ModelSim is even used for Vector Waveform files. ModelSim and Quartus are two entirely separate applications that loosely communicate with each other. You typically invoke ModelSim from Quartus via the Tools -> Run Simulation Tool -> RTL Simulation menu.

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